A new year….a fresh start. Welcome to the first blog for 2018! At the start of this year I began to think about what really inspires me. When it comes to parties it’s quite simple. For me it’s those everyday hardworking Mums that go above and beyond to deliver THE birthday party their child so wanted in the theme that they ‘absolutely have to have!’ Mums that not only buy matching themed decor but also make some of their own to add some personal creativity. These Mums give a different wow factor to their kids parties take a huge step in helping to make some fun memories!
Below is the first of this series…hats off to these inspirational Mums!!
Junior Pilot’s First Birthday
“Organising themed birthday parties is something I always considered a job for professional event planners. For me, kids parties should be simple and fun..for both the kids and their parents. But when my little one turned one…I realised that having a theme for his first birthday party would actually be a help, not a hassle.
We chose to have an aeroplane themed party for him as he simply loves everything transport, especially wheels and wings.
It all started with the party invite. A graphic designer from Etsy brought our vision to life. From then on it was simply a matter of coordinating decorations and cake, with the colours and imagery used in the invite. It turned out to be much easier than I initially thought. In fact, our cake maker was pretty happy to have a clear idea of what she needs to create. Shopping for balloons/plates/cutlery etc was also quick and easy as I knew exactly which colours I needed.